Updates on the Geothermal-DHC regional cluster workshop, Riga 30 September 2022
25/08/2022The first regional hub will focus on the Baltics and, due to the geological conditions, on the use of low temperature heating and cooling networks. We are pleased to announce speakers from:
(Rao Martand Singh, NTNU), Sweden (Kristina Lygnerud, IVL / Lund University as
well as Peter Anderberg, Heat Academy), Denmark (Soren Skjold Andersen,
Termonet) and Germany (Ruediger Grimm, geoENERGIE Konzept). The afternoon
session will focus on the opportunities and challenges for the implementation
of geothermal energy supplied heating and cooling networks in the Baltics,
including expert tlaks from Estonia (Alla Shogenova, Anna Volkova & Alvar
Soesoo, TalTech), Lithuania (Rokas Valančius, KTU) and the hosting country
Latvia (Olegs Linkevičs, JSC Latvenergo & Ivars Ščerbickis, SC «Conexus
Baltic Grid»).
workshop will close with a joint panel discussion addressing “Pathways to introduce geothermal
energy supported DHC networks and use of geological potential in heating sector”.
Registration: Attending the regional cluster workshop is free of cost and the event will be organized in hybrid mode. For registering (also online participation) we ask you to use the following LINK
for contributions:
Geothermal-DHC offers a limited number of slots for travel reimbursement for
participants who are selected to present a poster at the workshop related to
the topic of the workshop. Abstracts may be submitted using the registration link above. The call for contributions ends on the 9th of September, 17:00